Monday, 28 September 2009

Contents Research 1

This is the first magazine contents page that i am researching. This particular contents page is one of a magazine cover that used earlier. NME. I dont really like this contents page as much as the others I will use. Before I begin analysing the contents page I would just say that I think it stands out that they have put the name of the magazine in the corner as a logo.
Firstly, the colours of the page dont match most of the covers i used earlier, for example the main colour really is pink. Nearly all of the stories and text and even the border is in pink. I think that it is very affective how the editors have mixed pink and black together to make it stand out and match the front cover.
Another point about the contents that the text is in loads of different fonts. The only real bad point about this is that it probably doesnt match the front cover. However, a good point about this is that it stands out and keeps the reader attarcted to the magazine because if the front cover is pleasing enough that the reader will buy it then they want to be satisfied that the rest of the magazine will satisfying.
Secondly, this contents page stands fo me because it has loads of adverts across the page. The adverts stand out aswell because the text is in bright colours and is in large text so the reader can see it.

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